Relative Advantage Dashboard

What is Relative Advantage Dashboard?

Schools must respond to a wide variety of conditions outside of the control of educators. These conditions place students at different levels of vulnerability for academic struggles. The Relative Advantage Dashboard quantifies the degree of vulnerability of students at your school and compares it to their achievement. In essence, the dashboard provides a measure of school effectiveness with your specific students.  

Click below to expand and see the answer to the following question. 

How effective is your school with the student population you serve?

The research base for this tool involves studies that suggest that, in general, achievement follows student vulnerability. That is, schools with highly vulnerable students tend to have lower achievement, whereas schools serving students with lower vulnerability produce high achievement. These are the most common trends.  

However, knowing that education is the great equalizer, our mission as educators is to override the conditions that result in historically lower achievement for students in vulnerable circumstances. We know that it is possible to do so, because schools have done it!  

For instance, some schools with highly vulnerable conditions have students who perform at higher achievement levels than history would anticipate. These schools are “more effective” with their student population than the norm. It is also true that some schools with low vulnerability have student achievement levels that are lower than one would anticipate, given their conditions. These schools are “less effective” with their student population than the norm. 

Before starting the Discovery Study, review the following presentation to learn more about Orenda Education's "Relative Advantage Dashboard".

Click on the arrows to navigate through the slides, both forward and backward

Ready to Begin?

Complete the Discovery Study with a team of leaders from your school. Experience with this process suggests that a Discovery Study Team is most effective with a minimum of three members and a maximum of ten members. 

Participating team members recommended, but not limited to:

Other members might include:

Once the team is ready to begin the Discovery Study, reach out to Orenda for more information